Student Learner Profile (SLP)
Introduction to the Student Learning Profile
The Student Learning Profile (SLP) is a standards-based reporting system used throughout Addison School District #4. The purpose of the SLP is to define and clearly communicate the district’s Essential Learning Standards. These standards explain specifically what students should know, be able to do, and should apply in each content area and at each grade level. Essential Learning Standards were created based on the Illinois Learning Standards, Common Core Standards, and research of Best Practice.
SLP shifts the focus from what is taught to what is learned. The SLP is NOT a cumulative grading system, rather a snapshot of students’ progress at a given point in time. Students are evaluated on their academic skills, work completion, and behavioral progress separately in each class. The SLP is a tool that will help Indian Trail staff to better communicate student performance and evaluate instructional decisions.
General Information
- SLP clearly communicates District 4’s learning expectations, the Essential Learning Standard.
- The Essential Learning Standards identify exactly what is expected in each content area
- SLP defines what your student knows, what he/she is able to demonstrate, and what he/she needs to further develop for each Essential Learning Standard
- For each content area students are evaluated in three separate categories:
- Essential Learning Standards
- Daily work and assignment completion
- PBIS classroom behavioral expectations
- SLP allows students a variety of opportunities to demonstrate understanding
- Not all Essential Learning Standards will be assessed in each content area during each quarter
- The number of Essential Learning Standards will vary for each content area and grade level
Essential Learning Standards are evaluated by the following Standards Marks:
- ME Meets Standards with Excellence
- MS Meets Standards
- AS Approaching Standards
- AC Area of Concern
ME: Students consistently extend grade level and/or course level expectations. Students independently apply and evaluate Essential Learning Standards and Skills at an advanced level.
- Learning Objectives – argue, critique, produce, interpret, verify, judge, create, devise, synthesize, deduce
- “WOW” - Exemplary, Exceptional, High Quality, In-Depth, Superb, Outstanding, Above and Beyond
MS: Students consistently meet grade level and/or course level expectations with very little or no guidance. Students are able to demonstrate and apply Essential Learning Standards and Skills at a proficient level.
- Learning Objectives – remember, define, label, understand, compare, demonstrate, predict, convert, discuss, analyze, explain, classify
- “YES” - Skilled, Adept, Solid, Capable
AS: Students are developing understanding of grade level and/or course level expectations but are in need of additional support. Students are able to demonstrate and apply Essential Learning Standards and Skills with guidance at a progressive level.
- “YES, BUT….” - Limited, Predictable, Within Reason, Generally Accurate
AC: Students are not making adequate progress toward grade level and/or course level expectations. Students do not demonstrate application of Essential Learning Standards and Skills even with additional guidance.
- NO, BUT… -Unsuccessful, Partial, Well Below, Inadequate, Misconception, Errors, Omissions
What can I do to help my child?
- Become familiar with the Essential Learning Standards that your student will be expected to meet for each content area
- Set high, but realistic, expectations
- Talk with your student daily about classes, work, activities, and projects
- Maintain ongoing and consistent communication with your student’s teacher
- Utilize Skyward Family Access on a regular basis
- Make sure your email and phone number is up-to-date in the Indian Trail main office so you can be contacted promptly
- Monitor and limit “screen time” (TV, computer, texting, and video games)