MEGAN E. FREEMAN TO VISIT INDIAN TRAIL Megan E. Freeman, author of Alone, will be visiting Indian Trail on September 27 to talk to students about whether or not they'd be able to survive ALONE.
INDIAN TRAIL ICE CREAM SOCIAL - SEPTEMBER 14TH Join us for fun, games, and ice cream on Thursday, September 14th from 5-6 in the Indian Trail Commons. Make sure to RSVP by September 8th.
STUDENT PICTURE DAY - SEPTEMBER 8 Indian Trail Students will take their pictures on Friday, September 8, 2023. Bring your smiles!
ADDISON-MEDINAH SHRINERS PARADE March with Indian Trail in the 2023 Addison-Medinah Shriners Parade on Sunday, August 27th.
8th Grade Promotional Ceremony Livestream! Click here to watch the 8th Grade Promotional Ceremony LIVE! // ¡Haga clic aquí para ver la ceremonia de promoción de octavo grado EN VIVO!
All Schools CLOSED on August 4th! // ¡Todas las escuelas CERRARON el 4 de agosto! // Click here for more info! // ¡Haga clic aquí para más información!
Round 4 of the Addison Great Shake happens TODAY! Click here to check out our livestream of the event! // ¡Haga clic aquí para ver nuestra transmisión en vivo del evento!
Science Fun Night 2023 was a huge success! Click here to see some of the fun our students and families got up to! // ¡Haga clic aquí para ver algo de la diversión que hicieron nuestros estudiantes y familias!